Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Holey" Moley

We have a hole. A big hole. A hole for a house. That is step one in this building process. A great big thanks goes out to all our friends who helped us on Saturday, we couldn't do it without you. Now we are scheduled to get the walls on May 1st. Could have been April 30th but that is Daddy night at preschool and a certain little girl is highly looking forward to that.

My digging crew...
The big gun...
The worker bees...
And of course the finished product. 
Isn't it the most beautiful hole you have ever seen?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Almost There...

I can't believe it is actually time to start thinking about chronicling the process of building our new home. This has been a dream for the past ten years. Actually it has been a dream for me for as long as I can remember. I wasn't the girl who dreamed of my wedding. I was the girl who dreamed of her house. I even remember my parents buying me an interior decorator kit for Christmas or a birthday. Now decorating is not my strong suit but I love arranging furniture (evidence by the fact that I used to rearrange my bedroom every week when I was younger), figuring out where to put things, and making a space, functional, and happy. Plus, I just need space! We out-grew this house MANY years ago! For the past year we have been planning and thinking, and planning, and thinking. This week, we are supposed to be finalizing the permits and the loan through the bank. THIS WEEK! After that we have an "All Clear" for building. The boys are already planning the basement dig for next weekend! I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time. So...here goes nothing! Come on house, we can't wait to meet you!