Sunday, August 19, 2012

Now that's my kind of ROCK!

Our mason is waiting to start some other jobs so he had a little free time. The guys decided that he could start our stone job. First he finished the chimney. I love it! I was nervous about the grout color because he showed us his work on another house and I didn't like the grout, it was too light. He completely agreed that on our house that color wouldn't look right. I trusted him to pick a color and he nailed it! It looks great. Next comes the stone around the bottom, then the front porch, and finally the chimney inside the house! I can't wait!

The windows are going in

It's really neat to see the house starting to become enclosed. It really makes you feel like you're inside when you go in now.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Camping Out

The kids decided they were going to sleep in the house one night. they swore they didn't need an adult and they packed everything themselves. Here they are all ready to go.
Putting up the tent.

Home sweet home for the night.  No air mattresses either!

And what would camping out be without some smores and a campfire!
Of course I did get a phone call at 10:00 because Jillian was scared.  So...I slept in the tent too after a nice long "Aunt/Niece" chat with Jessie.  Let me say, the sounds around the woods and pond and awesome!

Here is the morning after.  LOL

The windows are HERE!

Leaving our Mark

I have always loved to see kids hand prints left in the side of a special place.  Building my new home is the most special place to me right now and I wanted to save a piece of my children within it's walls.  I decided to place their hand prints and names in the cement of our front porch.

Now this doesn't sound like a complicated project.  Pour hands...write names.  Well let me just say that this project didn't happen as easily as I had expected.  Steve talked to the concrete guys the night before and he must have told them that it would probably be ready between 9 and 10 AM.  Well I don't think he ever mentioned this to me (although he thinks he did).  So at 9:10 I get a call from Steve asking if we had done it yet or not.  At this point we are still at home in our PJ's and I was feeding Carlie breakfast.  Sooo I throw clothes on the girls (except Carlie, I just took her in her PJ's figuring I'd be coming home immediately following), rush to the house, and ask the Amish guy if he is ready.  He says, in his slow quiet Amish voice, "Well it's still pretty wet.  It'll be a little yet."  Ok not a problem, so I take the girls over to the yard and let them play with the bikes for a little.  To make a long story short, two and a half hours and a bunch of grumpy girls later we finally got to leave their adorable little marks in our family home.


Just as the outside is coming along, so is the inside.  Here is a look from my dining room into the living room.  I Can't Wait to sit in this living room!

 Here is the look from the entry way.  That is the fireplace right in the middle.