Monday, May 28, 2012

And our FAVORITE feature is...

When we looked at house plans, no matter what we did, we kept coming back to the same plan or versions extremely similar.  Why?  Because there was one feature that we just plain LOVED.  What is it you ask: Well it's the back living room and windows.    We had to capitalize on the beautiful view of the pond out the back of the house.  This wall of windows just called to us over and over again.  Well today it went up and it already looks phenomenal!  I can't wait to enjoy the view while sitting in my living room.  

Here it is all put together and ready to go!

 Hooking it up for it's ride.
 Going Up...

 And up...
 And up some more...
 Almost there!

 And it's in! 

 Isn't it beautiful!!!???!!!

My favorite!!!!

Still Goooooing UP!

Second story here we go! The girls just got bedrooms and they are so excited. Lyndsy still tells me that she wants the one overlooking the pond but every now and then that bigger closet makes her stop to rethink her decision. Oh well, till it's done she will have made up her mind. (I'm pretty sure she'll choose the pond.)

Don't worry about the huge gap in the middle. It's coming just not done yet.

The Mechanics of it all...

I don't understand it all but I do understand that this mess of tubes is why I will have warm and toasty piggies!  Here is our tubing for the radiant heat and our beautifully smooth basement floor.  It took forever to get the concrete poured but the Amish guys did a great job!!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Interior Decorating

Now that the exterior walls are up, in come the interior walls. I can now walk through my kitchen and many other first floor rooms! So excited!

Next floor here we come!  Guess it's time to order the steps.

Going Up!

I have exterior walls!!!!  YEAH!

Our Little Helper!

Jillian is just loving this building project. Right now her fascination is hammering. Here she is just pounding away.

I was "Floored"

To see I have a floor!

YEAH  I can walk on my first floor!!!!  I can't wait to have walls and be able to walk through my rooms!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Well almost.

 We had the Blood...

This is my finger after getting it pinched between an I-Beam we were trying to move.  My own stupid fault...

We had the Sweat.  (See my last post)

But we didn't really have any tears unless you count Jillian fussing because I couldn't meet her every need instantly and Nana wasn't there to do it either.  Truthfully it's good for her to learn to play by herself or with just Lyndsy.

So, all in all, if we can keep this project tear free, it will be a success in my book.

It's Heating Up in here

In more ways than one!

Today we put the radiant heat in the floor.  Not only are we ensuring the house is warm once it's built, but it was hot in there now!  It's like a pressure cooker.  There is no air because you're under the ground and the sun is shining off the floor.  Whew. 

See the littlest helper again.  Jillian just loves helping out.

A Home is only as good as it's Foundation

And I'm pretty sure this foundation is going to be here for a very long time! 

Thanks to great planning my husband has successfully pushed yet another company to think outside the box.  The salesman said they can create a whole new brochure off of the features my husband had them create.  It's become a joke that Steve can't leave anything as is.  He always has to modify everything.  hee hee
And here is the finished product!  It really makes it feel real.  I just love to walk around in the botttom and pretend I'm in the different rooms.  I also love walking along the top of the walls and checking out the view from my "windows".  Having the walls really helps me (The one who can't "see" anything) feel like I know what is going on. 

Can you see it now too?