Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Home is only as good as it's Foundation

And I'm pretty sure this foundation is going to be here for a very long time! 

Thanks to great planning my husband has successfully pushed yet another company to think outside the box.  The salesman said they can create a whole new brochure off of the features my husband had them create.  It's become a joke that Steve can't leave anything as is.  He always has to modify everything.  hee hee
And here is the finished product!  It really makes it feel real.  I just love to walk around in the botttom and pretend I'm in the different rooms.  I also love walking along the top of the walls and checking out the view from my "windows".  Having the walls really helps me (The one who can't "see" anything) feel like I know what is going on. 

Can you see it now too?

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