Wednesday, July 11, 2012

And to top it all off!

So in technical terms (which I don't fully understand) this house has a 10/12 pitch with 14 valleys. These were my husbands words to the guy at the one building place the other day. I realized that these words must carry some weight because when he said them the guys mouth about dropped to the floor and he repeated "14 Valleys!" Apparenly that takes a lot of extra work hence the reason for the delay in getting any pictures up. I was waiting for the roof to actually be on.

Here's the delivery...

The starter truss.
The boom on this truck could reach forever and the guy driving knew this arm and joystick as an extension of his own arm.  He could place those things within inches of where they needed to be!

Creating the dormers.

Starting to sheet all the trusses.  This really made it look like a house to me once they got all the sheeting on!
My work crew.  Why is it that there are always butt shots!

Can you see it now?

Creating the overhangs.  Steve and I both hate it when a roof ends right at the wall.  So we made it that we have big overhands.  I almost think they are 18".
Maybe I can put a clear ceiling in?The view would would be nice.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?  See the smoke?
Cracking some sort of joke I'm sure.  Probably about the smoke coming out of Steve's brain!

Yes even I help sometimes.  Here I am trying NOT to run the platform into the house.  Again. (oops)
All dried in with paper.  Now it must be break time.
Can I just say that this machine has been a GOD SEND!  Thanks Billy we owe you for this one!

Framing up the beginnings of the front porch roof.  Now once the logs go in the front dimensions will finally bring the whole house into perspective.
And the finished product. Ok minus the shingles and the front entry way. Still to come...

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